Monday, December 7, 2009

ISP blocking

This morning I received a private message from a long time friend. He was having trouble getting his posting processed to the pchelpers list. There is nothing to suggest this person did anything wrong or even committed a minor infraction.

Instead it looks more like a general block imposed by his internet service provider to prevent list mail from being delivered!

This may yet be another example of what happens when an internet service provider endeavors to protect the security of its customers by banning mail from certain sources. What can email users do about it? In some cases they may use a different email address which won't be affected by this problem. In others the block covers an entire domain due to the unethical practices of a minority.

In such situations innocent victims may have to use an alternate email from a source that is still accepted by the system. This is one situation where it is necessary to adapt by having an alternative email source (one which has not been black listed because of the behavior of others).

Many of us are able to recall instances where our favourite ISP did something that forced us to make changes- to adapt to the changing conditions to keep the record clean!

I and various others have been affected at times simply as a side effect of the badly behaved people who enjoy making trouble for others.

1 comment:

  1. A few years ago I had a problem with my other email provider, I think it was hotmail back than. A virus had hijacked my addressbook and sent out tons of spam that looked like it came from me and from people that I knew. I had to use another email for a while until that problem was taken care of.
    Isn't it nice to know that soon there will be no more people making trouble for others!
